Pengendalian Gulma Pra Tumbuh Dengan Bioherbisida Daun Ketapang (Terminalia cattapa)


  • Mudasir Universitas Borobudur
  • Emilia Rona Yanto Politeknik Kelapa Sawit Citra Widya Edukasi
  • Darwati Susilastuti Universitas Borobudur


Bioherbicide, ketapang leaf, pre-emerged


Widespread use of chemicals to control weeds needs attention, because it can negatively affect nature.
Ketapang leaves can be used as a bioherbicide because they contain allelochemical compounds that can inhibit
plant growth. This study aims to obtain organic matter as a pre-emergence bioherbicide, to determine the effect of
ketapang leaf bioherbicide on pre-emergence weed control, and to determine the content of ketapang leaf
bioherbicide compounds. This study was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments namely
PO (Control), P1 (25% Bioherbicide), P2 (50% Bioherbicide), P3 (75% Bioherbicide) and P4 (100%
Bioherbicide). Each treatment consisted of 3 replications so that there were 15 experimental units. Each
experimental unit consisted of 5 samples. The statistical analysis used was analysis of variance with the nonfactorial RAK model. Data processing using the STAR Application. Parameters observed were weed growth, weed
height, weed identification and weed biomass. The results showed that ketapang leaves could be used as an
alternative to pre-growth bioherbicide. Ketapang leaf bioherbicide had no significant effect on weed growth, weed
height and biomass from week I to 4 MSA. Ketapang leaf bioherbicide contains 0.890% flavonoids and 4.452%


