Reaktivasi Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Jakarta Pada Banjir Kanal Timur Melalui Inovasi Desain Taman


  • Aryani Widyakusuma Universitas Borobudur
  • Bagus Jati Kusumo Universitas Borobudur


Design, Public, Park


Lately the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world has begun to be controlled, including in the territory of Indonesia, so that the President of the Republic of Indonesia stated that Indonesia's current condition had entered the COVID-19 endemic period. Apart from that, there have been directives from the Government, that people are allowed to take off their masks in open and closed spaces. Social interactions between people are starting to re-establish as before the pandemic. One of the impacts that has occurred on people's habits since the pandemic is that people prefer to gather in open spaces as a place for their activities. One example of the open space in question is the park, which is the main goal and choice of community gathering. Parks are used as a place for recreation, picnics, socializing, and other activities by all groups. For example, the case studies of parks that are widely used as places for community activities are Tebet Eco Park and Langsat Park. in South Jakarta. Tebet Eco Park and Langsat Park have indeed become one of the answers to the problem of public unrest during the pandemic so that these two parks have become the center of visits on weekends. This causes mobility in the area around the parks to become congested. This means that a new problem has emerged, namely the density of people's mobility due to the uneven distribution of public parks throughout Jakarta, or in other cities. Parks or Green Open Spaces (RTH) should be available in every corner of the city, starting from the environment around where we live. Without us realizing it, there are also parks or green open space around us, but they are not well developed. Therefore, this research will
discuss the design of the Park as a Green Open Space (RTH) which is a space and place for community activities of various ages, starting from a small area around it. The existing design is expected to be able to provide new and creative innovations so that it has an impact on the quality of life at the environmental level in the current conditions.


