Bagaimana Pengaruh Digital Marketing Dan Motivasi Investasi Terhadap Kebijakan Investasi
Digital Marketing, Motivasi Investasi, Kebijakan InvestasiAbstract
This study aims to find out how Digital Influence Marketing and Investment Motivation on Investment Policy can provide not only information/awareness but also credibility compared to regular advertising. Using primary data from 100 respondents and Path
Analysis for each variable, both the Simultaneous Test and the Partial Test obtained a significant positive test result of 0.000 for Investment Policy, this shows that more and more people are being educated about the existence of the stock market. and decided to
invest. The coefficient value of 0.514 in Influencer Marketing on Investment Policy shows that more and more influencers on social media are inviting novice investors to invest without adequate education and literacy which is quite troubling. The coefficient value
of 0.369 on Investment Motivation on Investment Policy indicates that investors understand decisions related to investment, and choose the right investment partners, both securities and investment managers.